Healthy Study Habits


Hello! Since school is starting soon, I thought I'd share with you some healthy study habits that you can use to make you successful!

Taking breaks

Taking breaks while studying is very important. It helps you stay focused, stay motivated, and keep your brain fresh enough to retain and process information. Taking breaks shouldn't be taken for granted since it's the key to proper, healthy studying.

Using your notes and resources

This is also important since it helps refresh your memory of the content you've been studying in class. Make sure you also have organized notes, since they are very useful when it comes to quizzes, tests, midterms, and finals.

Turn off your phone

Our phones can be big distractions, and sometimes even the simplest notification can result in hours of scrolling or messaging. I think a smart way to avoid this is to either put your phone on Do Not Disturb or completely power it off. That way you don't risk wasting any time on your phone.

These were some healthy study habits that you can develop through your studying journey. Thank you for reading, I hope this helped!